
    D’ Au2nomous to showcase BTS of emotional marketing

    LifestyleEducationD’ Au2nomous to showcase BTS of emotional marketing

    D’ Au2nomous Production, a group of senior marketing students from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, recently recognized as Marketing School of the Year at the 42nd Agora Youth Awards, is preparing for the grandest marketing event of the year BACKSTAGE: Unveiling the Emotional Spectrum of the Marketing Landscape

    Marketers, advertisers, Business Administration undergraduates and degree holders, PUP local partner productions, members of partner organizations, faculty from PUP College of Business Administration, as well as brand and media sponsors are all encouraged to attend BACKSTAGE.

    The event draws inspiration from the cinematic world. Marketing and cinema run parallel, as they both evoke emotions to build connections with their audience through compelling storytelling. Attendees, referred to as Madlang Marketistas by D’ Au2nomous Production, can expect a theater-like experience at this upcoming seminar on emotional marketing.

    The aim of this event is to uncover the intricacies of emotional marketing as a successful campaign strategy. The class production recognizes the power of utilizing emotions or feelings to influence purchasing decisions. It is also evident that the marketing landscape is becoming fiercer, and people are now leaning towards brands that have a personality beyond throwing sales pitches.

    The class production is honored to have seasoned marketing professionals share their knowledge and experiences during the event. The following are the esteemed speakers and their topics:

    • Edge Bonagua and John Theodosio, co-founders of Madman Creatives| Equipoise – Handling the Tightrope of Humor in Marketing. The two speakers will join hands to explore the appeal of humor marketing among the Filipino market, including its do’s and don’ts.
    • Alan Fontanilla, CEO and co-founder of The Pod Network Entertainment | Ignition: Identifying the Market’s Emotional Triggers. The speaker will go over the acclaimed research study of Jaecee Tanaya, “SADvertising: Relationship of Emotional Marketing Campaigns to Brand Awareness and Purchase Decisions of Different Generations,”
    • Apple Manansala, president of The New Channel (TNC) | Decipher: Unveiling the Metrics and Ethical Aspects of Effective Marketing Campaigns. The speaker will detail on how to analyze emotional marketing campaigns to provide a foundation or guidance for future campaigns.

    Madlang Marketistas will not only gain insights into emotional marketing, but will also experience intense emotions through the performances of these three local OPM artists:

    • Kat Jaranilla, Singer
    • Eclypse, P-Pop boy group
    • Jolianne, Singer

    Additionally, the class production will highlight the importance of mental health at this event to bring awareness and attention to this often-taboo subject. Mental Health Hour Manila has been invited to shed more light and provide an in-depth perspective on this topic. This segment aims to help attendees understand and prioritize mental health.

    The class production promises both knowledge and entertainment for the Madlang Marketistas on the day of the event. BACKSTAGE also offers a valuable opportunity for networking with marketing experts and professionals from various industries and organizations, as well as a chance to exchange thoughts and insights.

    Show time will be on June 22, 2024, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at PUP College of Communications Theater. Reserve your seat now by registering at

    For any inquiries, kindly reach out to Shienna Tibayan, 0928 370 0989 or email here at [email protected]. Stay connected and up-to-date by following the social media account of D’ Au2nomous Productions:

    See you at BACKSTAGE, Madlang Marketistas!

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