
    Cover Story

    Live smarter, more efficiently

    If you’re new to the world of smart home appliances, then let me welcome you to a more sustainable lifestyle. These energy-efficient solutions are trending as they can reduce energy consumption, lower your electricity bill, and decrease the carbon footprint around your home.

    Decoding the sustainability jargon in smartphone marketing efforts

    How can we discern whether the eco-friendly claims in smartphone marketing efforts are legit or just greenwashing?

    AI and Emotions: How we taught technology to feel and how technology changed the way we feel

    One of the limiting factors of AI is that, by default, it is merely a machine trained to respond to whatever it was trained upon, and lacks emotions.

    China EV: The new kings of mobility?

    In 2023, China overtook Europe and Japan to become the world’s largest car exporter — and not just in EVs.

    How greener tech is impacting consumer products and the world

    We outline below some of these recent trends that not only make tech more interesting but also more environment-friendly!

    Video games that bring Filipino culture to life

    Fueled by curiosity, I scoured google to discover Filipino video games that reflect the rich culture of the Philippines.

    Can we ever beat the traffic?

    The Japan International Cooperation Agency said that the country’s traffic cost us over PHP2-billion per day in 2014 and over PHP3-billion per day in 2017, with the figure estimated to balloon to over PHP5-billion per day by 2035 if the situation does not improve.

    Pre-Pandemic Finances: What Generations Z and Alpha did not experience

    Before the conveniences of today’s financial landscape for consumers, there was a time when financial services weren’t as accessible nor as speedy.

    Tech 2023: What’s in store?

    2023 is a new year, opening up opportunities for a fresh start as well as prospects for new innovations. Let’s take a look at what’s in store for tech in 2023.