
    “Marketing Ka Lang?”: Emin3Nce breaks boundaries and stigma of marketing

    LifestyleEducation"Marketing Ka Lang?": Emin3Nce breaks boundaries and stigma of marketing

    Get ready to witness a marketing revolution! Emin3Nce, a student-led marketing production from Polytechnic University of the Philippines, is poised to shake things up with its upcoming production. This ambitious project, created by a team that’s been sharpening its marketing blades for the past four years, promises to challenge marketing stigmas and redefine what’s possible. United by a shared passion for marketing and a burning desire to push boundaries, they’ve spent the past four years honing their skills through different experiences and achievements solidifying their collaborative spirit. Their ultimate goal is a thought-provoking experience that shatters traditional marketing stereotypes. 

    The Emin3Nce production isn’t just showcasing their talents; they’re inspiring a new generation of marketing students to think outside the box. Their collaborative spirit, strategic defiance, and unwavering commitment to breaking boundaries will undoubtedly serve as a beacon for future marketing leaders. The official launch date for the emin3Nce seminar entitled “Marketing Ka Lang?” Breaking Boundaries and Stigma of Marketing, on July 4, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, at PUP Claro M. Recto Hall. 

    This seminar will showcase diverse representation and marketing campaigns that resonate with a wider audience. Marketers and attendees will learn about how marketing isn’t just about selling. It’s about building trust and relationships and by understanding how marketing works, everyone can better present themselves and their ideas to others. They will get to learn from various experiences and that they can take as an inspiration to move towards a more inclusive and representative future.

    The Emin3Nce seminar is an experience. It’s a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from industry leaders, and discover innovative approaches to marketing. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your marketing journey, emin3Nce promises to equip you with the tools and knowledge to become a change in this ever-evolving field. Get ready to network with fellow attendees, and showcase your creativity as you join the different pre-event games. The first pre-event game is entitled Asoka Challenge: A Marketer’s way! This game will enable the participants to transform into someone they dream to be, showcasing how marketing added value to their lives in achieving their dreams. The second one is Share your “Marketing ka lang?” story. This game aims to raise awareness about how common the stigma is in marketing which should be debunked by celebrating different stories with insightful lessons and inspiring contributions.  These games will not just give us joy but it will also be a fun experience while learning valuable marketing lessons.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to join emin3Nce and be a part of the marketing movement that’s rewriting the rules! Keep an eye out on emin3Nce official website and social media channels for updates and don’t miss your chance to witness the magic emin3Nce has to offer. 

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