
Synergy 2024: Powering your future

LifestyleEducationSynergy 2024: Powering your future

SYNERGY 2024 is a four-day convention for students in the field of EEE, i.e. Electrical Engineering (EE), Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), Computer Engineering (CoE), and other related degree programs. In its twelfth year, Synergy is expanding its horizons by doing hybrid events to be able to reach colleges and universities from across the world. 

Synergy 2024 aligns its objectives with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 11, which focuses on the rapid urban growth spurred by increasing populations and migration. Under the theme “Technological Sustainability: Empowering Communities of Tomorrow,” Synergy intends to highlight how technology and innovation can contribute to creating inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities. 

In partnership with prominent technology firms — Lattice, FirstGen Corporation, and Converge ICT Solutions, Inc. — the Synergy 2024 event presents a series of subevents aimed at enhancing the technological skills of students in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE). Additionally, it seeks to foster positive societal impacts, as well as tightened industry connections. 

Technological Talk. Features talks from distinguished speakers in a webinar-style event to bridge the minds of experienced professionals and aspiring learners regarding the role of technology in creating sustainable cities and communities. 

Opportunity Outlook. An in-person event, also live-streamed for accessibility, explores potential careers through insightful talks by companies from various fields of electrical and electronics engineering, similar to a job fair. 

Corporate Connections. Graduating students and organizational leaders from various universities will be invited to engage in face-to-face booths and a company mixer, allowing them to interact with different company representatives and expand their networks with like-minded individuals. 

Software Solutions. A software development hackathon that challenges participants to leverage their engineering skills to create solutions addressing modern societal issues and present their ideas to industry representatives.

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