
    Stay sun-kissed and wrinkle-free with Kiehl’s

    ArchivesStay sun-kissed and wrinkle-free with Kiehl's

    Tropical countries are ripe for the conditions of photo-aging and overall skin-damage. And with summer fast approaching (and vacation getaways already booked), you can be sure that though you may be taking time off from work with the sun on your face, the sand at your feet, your skin will also definitely take a beating, making you look older than you were when you first actually arrived on the beach.

    Kiehl’s introduces Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler, a breakthrough wrinkle treatment that offers instant and long-term results – without the use of silicones. It is clinically demonstrated to immediately diminish the look of lines and wrinkles (based on clinical evaluation of overall appearance) and has been shown to minimize the number of facial lines over time, in as little as four weeks.

    Offering customers an alternative to invasive wrinkle-smoothing in-office procedures, Kiehl’s chemists developed the latest addition to the Dermatologist Solutions line for optimized precision and efficacy against signs of skin-aging such as forehead lines, crow’s feet, naso-labial folds, and lip-area lines.  Engineered specifically for targeted, daily application, Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler is a gentle, yet potent blend of two types of extremely bio-compatible Hyaluronic Acids, plus polymers, peptides and silica to help provide double-action, visible skin-smoothing immediately while minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and visibly improving skin’s elasticity over time. It also does not contain fragrance or parabens.

    Gadgets Magazine finds out if this breakthrough technology actually works in our March issue BEAUTYLAB.

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