Remember Phonebloks, the modular mobile phone concept that created a bit of a buzz last year? Well, tech giant Google has picked the idea up, and wants to make the device a reality. If things go well and it actually goes Google’s way, the base model, which will have little more than a battery, a screen and wireless connectivity, will cost all of USD 50, or a little over PHP2000.
Good guy Google then wants to bring self-contained mobile workshops that let users reconfigure their devices as they see fit. This is going to be quite a stretch though, as a lot of planning and some tech magic will have to go into developing the device. The god news, it seems, is that Google doesn’t seem to be in it for the profit, as they want it to be great, and not a source of revenue, at least not on its own.
More connected devices does, however, mean potentially more profit and power for Google, as each new device is another potential customer to reach, so there’s that.