
    To infinity and beyond adventure with Miniso X Toy Story

    LifestyleShoppingTo infinity and beyond adventure with Miniso X Toy Story

    Sheriff Woody, Andy’s favorite pull-up cowboy doll and the leader of the group. . . Buzz Lightyear, the space ranger. . .  Bo Peep, the porcelain doll . . . Hamm, the piggy bank . . . Forky, the recycled fork toy. These are among the well-loved living toys from Pixar-Disney’s iconic Toy Story that kids of all ages can now find in the new collection.

    The Miniso X Toy Story Collection brings together the Japanese lifestyle retailer for the young and the nostalgic Talking toys from Disney-Pixar in a fun collaboration for the new generation.

    The 1995 iconic movie “Toy Story” was the first Pixar-Disney collaboration on a feature-length computer-animated film that made childhood classics toys come to life like Mr. Potato Head, Etch-A-Sketch, and toy soldiers on the big screen. 

    Miniso x Toy Story
    Listen to your fave music
    Miniso x Toy Story
    Collect these Disney Pixar Toy Story Shopping bags.
    Miniso x Toy Story
    Hang these absorbent Toy Story’s Hamm and Lotso Hand Towels. 

    The collection features fashionable yet functional creatively cool items. These include gadget accessories such as mouse pads and earphones; accessories such as bucket hats and caps; sling and tote bags; coin purses, keychains, and other novelty pieces.

    Conveniently shop and collect these items in-store or online via For more updates, follow MinisoPhilippines on Facebook and Miniso PH on Instagram.

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