Mitsubishi service deals promo

MobilityCarsMitsubishi service deals promo

With its service deals promo, Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corporation (MMPC) treats its customers with out-of-warranty vehicles to big after-sales discounts. 

Valid until March 31, 2021, out-of-warranty Mitsubishi vehicle owners are invited to have their vehicles serviced to avail of great discounts on parts and labor. This is to ensure roadworthiness as they embark on long travels at the start of the year. 

Customers can enjoy up to 25% discount on parts and a 10% discount on labor for the duration of the promo. Packages included in the service deals promo are as follows: 

1. Brake System Package

2. Timing & Other Belt Package

3. Exterior and Interior Lamps

4. Wiper Blade Replacement

5. Aircon System Package

6. Clutch Replacement Package (for Manual Transmission Only)

7. Steering System Package

8. Suspension System Package

Service packages are available for all Mitsubishi models except the Mitsubishi Xpander. The discount on parts can only be availed by customers who will have their vehicles serviced at an authorized Mitsubishi dealership and cannot be availed through wholesale or over-the-counter transactions.

Qualified Mitsubishi vehicle owners are encouraged to avail of this exclusive service deals promo offer. For more details, visit or contact your local Mitsubishi dealer to arrange an appointment.

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