With the government now considering measures on how to move forward amid the pandemic, more people may be making their daily commutes again soon. But even with a controlled lifting of the community quarantine, proper public health practices, such as social distancing, should still be maintained.
To help provide customers with safer shopping options and lessen the risk of infection, Shell Select convenience stores have taken measures to improve customer and staff safety. It has likewise, increased the assortment of groceries, fresh and frozen food, and household essentials.
Shopping at Shell Select enables customers to fulfill their shopping missions for a fraction of the time it takes to line up at congested groceries. Free and available parking coupled with convenient locations make each Shell Select store easily accessible for all commuters.
Since the beginning of the community quarantine, Shell has been driven by its culture of health, safety and security, resulting in stringent measures put in place to improve customer and staff well-being. These safety measures including plastic shields at the counter, hourly staff self-sanitation guidelines, and reminders in all parts of the station to practice good personal hygiene and social distancing.

As the Philippines begins adjusting to this new Covid-19 reality, business will have to find new ways to serve customers in ensuring that they have access to their needs with the least exposure to the virus. Shell continues to be steadfast in monitoring the situation so that it is ready to respond to the changing needs of customers, its staff, and the community.