
    PH’s 1st and largest 300MW hyperscale data center to rise in Central Luzon

    TechnologyEnterprisePH's 1st and largest 300MW hyperscale data center to rise in Central...

    The signing of the Contract of Lease between the Provincial Government of Tarlac (PGT), led by Governor Susan Yap, and Narra Technology Park Development Inc. (NTPDI) marks the commencement of the development of Narra Technology Park. This 47-hectare facility, which will house a 300-megawatt hyperscale data center, is a milestone in the country’s digital infrastructure. 

    The world is undergoing a technological evolution driven by various factors. This technological evolution has spurred the planned establishment of the country’s first and largest hyperscale data center, poised to accelerate and revolutionize the Philippines’ IT capabilities. The Philippines stands out as a premier BPO hub, primarily catering to the outsourced needs of tech companies. The Philippines boasts the fastest-growing smartphone market, not only in Asia but worldwide, thus being a target market for additional data centers. Lastly, the establishment of hyperscale data centers is consistent with the rise of AI being integrated into businesses.  

    NTPDI’s vision aligns with the Department of Trade and Industry’s mission to drive digitalization and position the Philippines as a strategic hub for hyperscale data centers in the Asia-Pacific region.

    According to NTPDI managing director William Johnson, “The Philippines is an ideal location for the data center industry due to its large industrial land parcels, growing availability of clean renewable energy sources, and supportive digital infrastructure strategy from the Philippine Government. The idea was born in response to the growing demand for data storage and processing, and the Philippines’ favorable conditions for data center development make it an attractive location for investment in this sector.”

    Currently, the Philippines has an estimated total operational capacity of 67MW for data centers. With Narra Technology Park, NPTDI is developing the country’s first and largest 300MW hyperscale data center, to be completed in three phases of 100MW each. Narra Technology Park will offer the flexibility to be operated by a single off-taker, making it a unique addition to the Philippines’ digital infrastructure landscape.

    Johnson explains why the New Clark City (NCC) in Tarlac is an ideal location for the hyperscale data center. “We selected NCC in Tarlac due to several factors. Firstly, the availability of large land parcels in the area allowed us to achieve the scale required for a project of this magnitude, a challenge in the land-constrained areas of Metro Manila.

    Secondly, NCC’s master-planned environment provided an ideal setting for the development of a modern hyperscale data center hub. Additionally, NCC’s proximity to Metro Manila ensures excellent connectivity to the capital region. We also chose Tarlac due to its proximity to Clark Freeport and access to critical infrastructure such as power, water, and fiber, as well as the availability of competent labor in the area.”

    These factors collectively make NCC in Tarlac an optimal location for the Philippines’ pioneering hyperscale data center, positioning the country for significant advancement in its digital infrastructure. 

    Green growth

    The Narra Technology Park project aims to foster green economic growth in Tarlac. Throughout its three-phase construction, the project is expected to generate over 1,500 direct labor jobs for local communities. Once operational, it will create about 200 high-quality, skilled jobs in IT operations, maintenance, cybersecurity, and other areas.

    The NTPDI is committed to environmental sustainability, actively implementing initiatives to minimize Narra Technology Park’s ecological impact. “We prioritize reliability and sustainability by incorporating energy-efficient technologies, clean renewable energy sources, and advanced cooling systems to reduce carbon footprint and energy consumption,” adds Johnson.

    Additionally, NTPDI is pursuing green certifications, such as the Philippine Green Building Council’s BERDE (Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence) certification for their LEED-compliant designs. For instance, the cooling system design considers factors like climate, temperature, and humidity to balance energy efficiency, operational effectiveness, and environmental considerations. The goal is for Narra Technology Park to be powered by 100% clean renewable energy within the first five years of operations.

    The signing of the Contract of Lease with PGT signifies the start of the development of the 47-hectare Narra Technology Park and its access road from New Clark City. The 100MW Phase 1 of the 300MW hyperscale data center is expected to be fully operational by Q4 2026.

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