
Technology News

Images leak of an Android-powered interchangeable lens camera made by Polaroid

The virtues of the Android operating system has not escaped the eye of camera manufacturers, as evidenced by the Nikon Coolpix S800c and the Samsung Galaxy Camera. Polaroid is...

Instagram backs down; Users still a bit miffed.

This is an important heads-up for Instagram users. Just a few hours after a huge controversy caused by the photo sharing site’s new terms of agreement that said they...

Petron offers “Libreng Kape’t Balita”

Early birds get to catch free coffee and news at participating Petron stations until January 8, 2013. From 6 AM to 9 AM everyday during the promo period, motorists who...

Pinoys compete and win at 20th DEFCON in Las Vegas

DEFCON in Las Vegas is a yearly gathering of hackers of all types, out to prove who is the best when it comes to defeating security systems and the...

BlackBerry 10 UI images show off Facebook and other apps

BlackBerry 10's January launch date is coming ever closer, and as is the custom with new OS launches like these, the company is looking to create as much buzz...

New YouTube app allows iPhone and iPod users to capture and upload videos instantly

If you're a fan of instant gratification, YouTube's latest app should be right up your alley, provided you're someone who owns either an iPhone or iPod Touch. Thanks to...

Final Fantasy series celebrates its 25th birthday

Many gamers are familiar with the names Mario and Sonic, but let us not forget the birthday of the Final Fantasy series, the brainchild of game publisher SquareSoft (now...

Apple sells more than two million iPhone 5’s in China in first weekend

Tim Cook has got to be smiling today, as Apple has managed to sell more than two million iPhone 5's in China in the first weekend that the device...

XL3gi0n Hackers bring down Justin Bieber’s webpage

Seems like there's a lot of people that's not happy with the Biebs, and some of them have decided to show it. A group of hackers named XL3gi0n has brought...