
    Augmented reality shopping now a reality

    ArchivesAugmented reality shopping now a reality

    Remember that movie “Clueless” with Alicia Silverstone and how she was able to mix-and-match her daily school ensemble via her computer? Now that may have been a 90s flick and that technology might seem primitive by today’s standards but now, that same ease of looking good and not becoming a fashion victim is almost within our reach.

    The new “Hybrid Fitting System” from Toshiba TEC gives shoppers a whole new shopping experience via an augmented reality. Shoppers can gesture movements to see the different products, colors as well as put together entire outfits. It also recommends accessories to top off your selections. With a navigable motion sensor and built-in cameras on a high-resolution screen, you can see your chosen products with prices and other details such as new lines and collections in real time. It also has the potential to allow the disabled to experience this type of shopping as well as those remote locations where shops aren’t easily accessible.


    Source: cscout


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