LG has just announced their LTE tablet offering, the Optimus Pad LTE, in Korea earlier today. The first LTE device from the Korean firm is an 8.9-inch deal, equipped with a True HD IPS panel that’s capable of resolutions of 1280 x 720. The overall physical dimensions of the device are pretty impressive, with an overall thickness of only 9.34mm and posting a weight of 479g. Internally the Optimus Pad sports a Qualcomm 1.5GHz dual-core/dual channel processor, which frankly is a bit disappointing given the quad core tablet offerings unveiled during CES. The device will also have Honeycomb (Android 3.2) on-board, with no word on when/if ICS will make an appearance. The Optimus Pad LTE will pop up in Korea first, unfortunately there’s no word on whether this particular device will make the trip across the ocean to our shores. No price has been made available.
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