To equip STI West Negros University with the right business solutions to deliver quality education, Globe Business supported the set up of a Managed WiFi solution, which allocates bandwidth appropriately to ensure students and teachers can connect seamlessly wherever they are in school, allowing them to achieve maximum productivity; and Direct Internet, which has an uptime of 99.8% that allows them to efficiently run their platforms, systems, and learning tools. The University has also been generously providing Internet Connectivity Assistance to all its students via prepaid load cards that complement the overall learning experience within the school premises.
Today’s new normal of both physical and virtual learning has taught educational institutions one important lesson: that innovation is key to overcoming any challenge. From STI’s humble beginnings as a computer training center with only two campuses, the institute now has 63 campuses in key cities across the country, driven by a commitment to educating students to become future-ready members of the workforce.
STI West Negros University, in particular, saw the need for further innovation when the pandemic struck. They saw how their students tried to adjust to the new distance learning setup. Yet despite this challenge, the students demonstrated a willingness to learn and explore alternative options to continue their online learning. Inspired by their resourcefulness, STI West Negros University looked for a digital solutions partner which could help enhance their students’ learning experience.
“Our vision for the University is for it to become a leader in academic excellence through innovation,” says Dr. Mark Molina, executive vice president of STI West Negros University. “To fulfill this vision, we knew that we needed technology to continue to offer efficient service to our community made up of our students, teachers, admins, and parents. We needed the right digital solutions and a new approach to communicating with our internal and external stakeholders, and an efficient way to access the delivery of lessons to students.”

STI West Negros University found a partner that easily fulfilled their needs: Globe Business.
“The school wanted to provide overall convenience and safety for the students and teachers, and that’s exactly what we got with Globe Business,” says Dr. Molina.
Since data privacy is an equally important priority, the school decided to securely maintain its student records through Globe’s Managed Firewall, which prevents users from accessing specific external websites; examines unauthorized access attempts and other suspicious activities; and allocates network bandwidth for higher priority business traffic.
“Amid the pandemic, our online lessons continued as our teachers on-site were able to effectively deliver their lessons to their students. Operations ran seamlessly,” Dr. Molina says. “And as we anticipate the return of our students to school in this new norm, we are excited that they will fully benefit from technology to stay competitive in this modern world.”
Like STI West Negros University, Globe Business encourages more educational institutions to take the digital leap and invest in their technological future.
“Digital innovation is the future. To continue thriving in the years to come, investment in the right technology is an imperative for schools today,” says KD Dizon, Globe Business Group head, MSME Group.
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