Choosing the correct financial solution can be a daunting, confusing task. There are a lot of factors to consider, and the market is full of options, all vying for your attention. It pays to take your time in making the right choice, but with nowhere to start, it can all be a confusing jumble of numbers, dates, and requirements.
Sun Life aims to change all that and make the process of choosing the best insurance and mutual fund investment easy by putting them together in packages that cater to customers with specific needs and investment goals in mind. These offers eliminate the confusion and guesswork from making the right choice, and offer together features clients in every stage of their financial journey will need.
“Many Filipinos are reluctant to consider insurance and investment products because they find the variety of options overwhelming or they think it’s expensive,” Sun Life chief marketing and client experience officer Gilbert Simpao said. “This prompted Sun Life to highlight and offer the budget-friendly essential products to start their financial foundation with. These insurance and investment starter packs can suit different lifestyles and needs of Filipinos.”
These packages can be customized to further suit the needs of every client.

Getting started with your career? The Adulting Starter Pack, tailored for first-time
workers, freelancers, and fresh graduates gives anyone taking their first steps towards
independence the start they need. This package brings together Sun StartUp life insurance and Sun Life Prosperity Money Market mutual fund, with a total monthly
rate starting at just PHP 2,000* a month. (*Based on Age 25, Male, Non-Smoker)

Next in line, for entrepreneurs and freelancers who combine business and personal goals, is the Negosyante Starter Pack, which offers Sun MaxLink 100 life insurance and Sun Life Prosperity Achiever 2028 mutual fund, and starts at a total monthly rate of PHP 4,000* a month. (*Based on Age 35, Male, Non-Smoker)

For clients who have just tied the knot, Sun Life offers the Newlywed Starter Pack, so
clients can focus on starting a family and other future milestones that they hope to achieve with their partners. This puts together the SUN Smarter Life Classic life insurance, and Sun Life Prosperity Achiever 2028 mutual fund, with a rate that starts at just PHP 5,000* a month. (*Based on Age 30, Male, Non-Smoker)

Health will always be a concern, and for clients starting to prepare for retirement, Sun Life makes choosing health insurance easy. The health Starter Pack combines Sun First Aid Plus and Sun Life Assure with a rate that starts at PHP 5,000* a month — it’s peace of mind, made simple, so clients can rest assured that their retirement is as free and easy as possible. (*Based on Age 40, Male, Non-Smoker)

The last package is the Parent of OFW Starter Pack, which is tailored for OFWs and their families here in the Philippines. This package, which consists of SUN Senior Care
health insurance, and Sun Life Prosperity Money Market mutual fund investment, starts at PHP 7,000* monthly. This helps keep both the health and finances of clients in good shape. (*Based on Age 55, Male, Non-Smoker)
It’s never too early to choose life insurance that suits you, and it’s never too late to help your money grow. Contact a Sun Life advisor at to learn more, and further tailor the packages to your needs and requirements.