Glorious Industrial & Development Corporation (GIDC), also known as The Stevia Company, is launching a lineup of naturally-sweetened and healthy beverages so sugar-conscious Filipinos can still enjoy their favorite...
Ease Healthcare, one of the fastest-growing women’s health ecosystems in Asia, has officially launched its digital health services and mobile app in the Philippines.
Simulare Medical has launched the newest innovation in its growing line of high-fidelity cleft surgical simulators, the first and only Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Simulator (patent-pending).
Anytime Fitness rebrands to Your Health and Fitness Partner with more services available to their continuously-growing member base. The fitness giant gets an impressive facelift, which features a new...
In observance of World TB Day, the DOH, together with the Philippine Coalition Against Tuberculosis, and Johnson & Johnson (Philippines) conducted a webinar focused on raising awareness of the disease to encourage more Filipinos to take a proactive approach in battling TB in the country.
Looking after and maintaining heart health should not be limited to February. Here are easy-to-remember steps you can add to your everyday routine to keep your heart healthy and happy year-round.
Sun Grepa First Aid Plus is an affordable health protection plan that provides cash benefits so you can worry less about costly medical bills due to hospital confinement or surgery.