The Philippine Daily Inquirer partnered with the worldwide data and business intelligence platform Statista, which offers a vast compilation of data, reports, and insights on more than 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources across 170 industries. Their survey ranked Yamaha Motor Philippines, Inc. as having the best customer service in the motor vehicle retailer category. An independent poll of over 11,000 Filipino customers who had either made purchases, used services, or gathered information about goods or services over the previous three years was used to determine the Philippines’ Best Customer Service 2023 rankings. Consumers assessed a number of brands; in all, more than 115,000 assessments were gathered.

The poll covered 64 categories of retailers and service providers, and the results covered a wide range of customer experiences in the traditional retail, online, and service sectors. The most pertinent brands for each category were included in the survey’s scope based on factors like market share, turnover, and reputation.
The likelihood of recommendation served as the basis for the final evaluation, which also included three other evaluation criteria: professional competence (quality of information received), communication (friendliness and politeness in email, phone, and in-person interactions), and accessibility (availability of customer help at the business or on the helpline).

The campaign was successful in recognizing 246 businesses over 64 categories, with a solid balance of both local and internationally known brands. This goes to show Yamaha’s unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and their passion for providing excellent service.
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