
    This epic Z-Day vehicle is ready for the undead. Are you?

    ArchivesThis epic Z-Day vehicle is ready for the undead. Are you?


    Someone sent over a photo of a (real?) Zombie apocalypse vehicle prepared for the undead hordes. We’re not sure if it’s a Halloween thing, a rabid TWD fan, or an actual Zombie prepper behind this, but it appears they have taken a commonly available SUV and tricked it out with a few extras to make it Z-Day ready.

    We’ve been preparing for that dark day for some time now, so we know where the engineer of this monster of an SUV is coming from. Now that we have a foot in the door of this topic, we thought this might be a good place to share a few of the Zombie apocalypse tips we actually live by, you know, just in case.

    Organize before they rise

    Sure, this comes from a very popular (and sobering) guide to Z-Day, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Have a clear idea for a place to meet your loved ones if things go south. It wouldn’t hurt to have a bug-out bag at the ready with a few days’ provisions of high-calorie food, water or water purification, money (while it still works), tools, and a few things to keep yourself safe. Your vehicle is also a great place to store a get-home bag that has enough gear to get you back to safety should you have to ditch your car for one reason or another.

    Be ready

    All we know about the impending apocalypse is that it is, well, impending. We don’t know exactly when it’ll happen. It pays to be ready at all times. We don’t mean a machete, rifle and several magazines of ammo. A small light, a cutting tool and a way to reliably communicate are generally enough. We try to have those simple things on our person at all times, and not a day goes by that we don’t use them at least once.

    Move it or lose it

    You have to keep moving. It’s not going to be easy, but until you find yourself in an area that is safe, don’t hang out in places where you could potentially fall into harm’s way. Remember, zombies aren’t the only thing you’ll have to deal with. Terrified people, looters, and regular criminals who hope to take advantage of the chaos that will surround the catastrophe are all looking for people to prey on. Get to safety as soon as you can. Don’t get stuck outdoors, but make sure you know where you are going.

    Stick together

    When venturing out, don’t go it alone. You aren’t the lone wolf badass you think you are, and thoughts of splitting up to cover more ground are the things that get you and your people into trouble. More eyes to hear, more ears to hear and more hands to lift are always helpful. While a group that is not trained to work in perfect concert will be outdone by a single well-trained operator, you’re fighting mindless mobs, not Seals. Watch each others’ backs, and keep in-fighting indoors and you should all be okay. Maybe.

    Take only what you need

    You’re going to have a lot of moving to do, and any cargo will have to be carried each step until it is consumed expended or otherwise let go. Ounces add up to pounds, and pounds slow you down. Your greatest asset is moving fast, so if you can’t use it for at least two reasonable tasks, ditch it.


    There you go. A few of the tips we swear by. Keep these in mind, and you’ll have a much better shot at staying alive regardless of the apocalypse scenario that may come your way.

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