So apparently there was a massive world-wide outage of BlackBerry related services last week. To make up for all of the unsent emails and BBmessenger connections gone awry, RIM has decided to give away more than $100 worth of premium apps to its subscribers as a way of saying sorry. The apps will be made available to BlackBerry users in the following weeks, through RIM’s app portal, BlackBerry App World and will continue to be available until December 31, 2011.
“Our global network supports the communications needs of more than 70 million customers,” said RIM Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis. “We truly appreciate and value our relationship with our customers. We’ve worked hard to earn their trust over the past 12 years, and we’re committed to providing the high standard of reliability they expect, today and in the future.”
So what apps are you looking at? Well, there isn’t a comprehensive list as of yet, as BlackBerry will be adding more apps over time, but this is currently what their local reps sent us:
• SIMS 3 – Electronic Arts
• Bejeweled – Electronic Arts
• N.O.V.A. – Gameloft
• Texas Hold’em Poker 2 – Gameloft
• Bubble Bash 2 – Gameloft
• Photo Editor Ultimate – Ice Cold Apps
• Pro –
• iSpeech Translator Pro –
• Drive Enterprise –
• Nobex Radio™ Premium – Nobex
• Shazam Encore – Shazam
• Vlingo Plus: Virtual Assistant – Vlingo
“We are grateful to our loyal BlackBerry customers for their patience,” added Lazaridis. “We have apologized to our customers and we will work tirelessly to restore their confidence. We are taking immediate and aggressive steps to help prevent something like this from happening again.”
Source: RIM