
    Meet Kuratas, a 12-foot tall mech that shoots BBs when you smile

    ArchivesMeet Kuratas, a 12-foot tall mech that shoots BBs when you smile

    Meet Kuratas, a 12-foot, fully pilotable mech that’s built by a couple of hobbyists. Japanese hobbyists, to be more precise. A group of Tokyo mecha enthusiasts, dubbed Suidobashi Heavy Industry, have taken the task of building this monster, and as you can see, it’s pretty damn impressive. The whole thing can be piloted in three ways – using the controls in the cockpit, a puppet-like device that’s slaved to the mech and via an app in your smartphone. The mech is also armed with CO2 powered water rockets and two gatling guns that fire BBs when the mech detects you smiling inside the cockpit. The group has helpfully included a guide (that we’ve linked below) on how to ride their mech if you decide to buy it. Speaking of,  the mech collective is offering Kuratas to anyone with deep pockets – the price tag is currently set at $1.3 million – and a penchant for destruction. Any takers?

    Source: suidobashijuko

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