
    Gadgets Magazine’s 2013 Wishlist is out!

    ArchivesGadgets Magazine's 2013 Wishlist is out!

    November Cover.indd

    Your techie pals deserve only the finest toys—you know it, I know it, and so does everyone else. Gift hunting for them can get pretty nasty if you don’t make informed choices. For all you know, you could be giving them relatively outdated technology or gadgets they don’t even need.

    A little Googling pre-hunt might save you, but we at Gadgets Magazine—normally being on the receiving end of holiday transactions involving gizmos and gadgetry—have made things a bit easier for you. We’ve lumped together the latest and most fitting gifts for techies of all types—whether your chum is a a digital artist, a sports buff, a game geek, or whatever else—in our early Yuletide treat.

    The 2013 Wishlist offers more than just gift ideas. It contains handy tidbits that you might want to consider before making any gadget purchases for certain types of people or yourself (why helloooo, 13th month pay!). The star of the show is the tablet: an increasingly common gift option, especially now with the growing variety of options.

    We also bring you stories about how Gilas Pilipinas coach Chot Reyes uses Fibr when he’s off the court and online, how we can use shopping apps to constantly be on the hunt for gifts, how four OPM rock icons performed for the first time on one stage as a super-band, how extended warranty programs provide an extra safety net for your gadgets, and how Tickle Me Elmo took toy stores by storm in the late 90s. Plus, the lovely Jackie Rice reveals her own Christmas wishes.

    Don’t miss out on our pre-holiday treat. Grab a copy of The 2013 Wishlist at leading bookstores and get that perfect present for the tech-head in your life!


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