Going green as well as going beyond “Earth Hour” has become an on-going and pervasive trend in today’s businesses. And one figure who remains actively dedicated to educating humankind about the causes and consequences of global warming and offering solutions to the looming crises implicit in the changes to the earth’s climate and habitability is Nobel laureate and former US Vice President, Al Gore.
Push Pop Press, a new digital publishing platform that’s redefining the way we publish and experience books, has launched Al Gore’s 2009 book “Our Choice,” a book which proposes a plan to solve the climate crisis, into an iPad app.
The app includes an introduction from Al Gore who provides a tutorial, though that app itself boasts intuitive controls and easy navigation between chapters as well as turning pages. The app also allows users to view images and pictures full-screen while expandable elements contain geotags that are displayed on a global map. With all of this included, you’re sure to come out wanting to save the planet now more than ever.
New Al Gore app spearheads the future of interactive books
Download on iTunes for $5.