
    Last minute travel? Book on Agoda GoLocal Tonight

    MobilityTravelLast minute travel? Book on Agoda GoLocal Tonight

    Demand for last-minute travel searches for same-day and next-day overnight hotel stays have increased compared to last year, according to global digital travel platform In response, Agoda unveils its GoLocal Tonight product across Asia-Pacific. Travelers looking for last-minute bookings can benefit from even greater savings from Agoda’s GoLocal Tonight deals when they make a same-day booking. 

    Agoda GoLocal

    Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand are the top three Asia-Pacific markets to embrace the thrill of the impromptu travel experience searching for same-day check-ins according to Agoda’s search data. These markets are followed by travelers from Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, India, the Philippines, South Korea, and Singapore. 

    “There’s a growing group of travelers choosing last-minute trips — people who might decide to spend the weekend to either watch a show or book a staycation to get out of their homes for a change in scenery. GoLocal Tonight appeals to this new segment of canny travelers who are looking out for and are incentivized by low prices to take advantage of same-day deals. It’s a win-win for both partners and travelers,” Enric Casals, regional director, Agoda.

    Thousands of hotel and accommodation providers across Asia-Pacific have signed up to offer travelers up to 30% additional discount off last-minute reservations. Whether travelers are looking for a solo city break or heading into the country or the beach with a tight-knit group, GoLocal Tonight has amazing last-minute deals.

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