Asus has officially launched the products they showcased at COMPUTEX this past June. Among the Windows 8 lineup is the Vivo Tab RT, which is considered as the little brother of the Vivo Tab. The 32GB model (inclusive of a keyboard dock) costs USD $599, while the 64GB model costs USD $699.
The Vivo Tab RT runs on Windows 8, wields an NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor and hosts 2GB RAM and 32GB eMMC user storage. It has a 10.1-inch display with a 1,366 x 768 resolution and has the same camera sensors found on the Vivo Tab. Plus, it has its own keyboard dock.
If you want to know more about the Vivo Tab RT and other new devices from Asus, you can check out this short write-up from The Verge or visit our previous post about the Vivo Tab and the Tab RT.