

    Review: SAMSUNG PL210

    By M.R. Gavin Samsung has always churned out impressive cameras, whether in a phone, point-and shoots or even DSLRs. Photos come out clear and crisp; it’s as if there is...

    Review: Epson ME Office 620F

    By Benjamin Arnold I have always been a little picky when it comes to the tools or products I use for my artistic purposes. I always have to have a...

    Review: Audio-Technica ATH-XS5 X-STREET STYLE Headphones

    By Paolo Toledo When it comes to headphones, I personally opt for function over fashion. Performance, build, and audio quality are on top of the list, even if the headphones...

    Review: HTC 7 Mozart

    By Francis Tan From the huge, chunky Windows PDA phones of yesteryears, Microsoft has managed to pull off a complete 180-degree turn and completely revamp its image to a new...

    Review: Samsung Series 7 Chronos

    There’s no mistaking the excitement over ultrabooks nowadays, but lest people forget, there’s still a large market for notebooks that can deliver that extra oomph that ultrabooks can’t. That’s...

    Review: Asus Transformer Prime

    Around this time last year, there were few options to choose from if you wanted a tablet that didn’t bear an Apple logo. Since then, Android tablets have literally...

    Review: LG Prada 3.0

    Tech companies collaborating with well known fashion brands aren’t new. We’ve seen the results of such partnerships in the form of the Dolce & Gabbana Motorola phone, the Porsche Design P´9981...

    Drive: Nissan Navara TechXtreme

    Pickups aren’t the first thing that comes to your mind when people talk about hi-tech vehicles. Why should it? They’re basically beasts of burden, utilitarian vehicles that you pile...

    Review: Samsung Galaxy S Advance (GT-I9070)

    As we all know by now, the Samsung SII was a big hit in the market, offering a significant heavyweight competitior from the Android camp with an equally challenging...