
    Browser version of Google Maps not working on Windows Phone 8 devices

    TechnologyTechnology NewsBrowser version of Google Maps not working on Windows Phone 8 devices...

    While there’s no official Google Maps app for WP8  devices as of yet, Google aficionados who liked using Google Maps over the built-in navigation solution on WP8 devices could always go to the browser version of El Goog’s wundermap to find their way around town. Unfortunately, it seems that particular workaround has stopped bearing fruit, as the peeps from WPCentral has noticed that going to the mobile version of Google’s navigation site using a WP8 device merely redirects you to Google’s home page for mobile devices.

    The redirect has been confirmed by a WPCenter commenter as originating from Google’s side, and as he explains, “something on Google’s side is keying off the user agent for windows phone.” It’s not yet clear if this particular issue was just an honest mistake or the continual efforts of Google to lock-out WP8 users from their services.

    Source: WPCentral 

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