
Globe outs iPhone 5 plans, yours free at Plan 2499

TechnologyTechnology NewsGlobe outs iPhone 5 plans, yours free at Plan 2499

Globe has unveiled their iPhone 5 plans today. Globe subscribers of the Apple faithful can get the newest and latest iPhone from Globe for free at Plan 2499 (16GB version). If you want to grab it at a lower plan (without dropping the necessary cash for the cash-out option, Globe has you covered – you can get an iPhone 5 (16GB) for as low as Php 200 a month for 24 months with Plan 1799. The only hitch there is that you will have to pay with a credit card to get that 24 month, easy payment plans, so non-plastic carriers are losing out. Globe is also throwing in a whole bunch of freebies, along with the option of resetting your contract and getting the iPhone 5 with a discount. For prepaid customers, you’re looking at shelling out Php 35,400 for the 16GB version, Php 40,800 for the 32GB version and Php 46,300 for the 64GB version. Check out the table below:

Source: Globe

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