
    People are Becoming more Cyber Savvy Says Kaspersky Lab

    TechnologyTechnology NewsPeople are Becoming more Cyber Savvy Says Kaspersky Lab

    Kaspersky Lab’s Cybersecurity Index showed that for the second half of 2016, there was a positive trend: the number of people who are concerned about their security, and are ready to protect themselves against cyberthreats, is constantly growing.

    The Index is based on an online survey of internet users around the world, conducted by Kaspersky Lab twice a year. In the second half of 2016, 17,377 respondents from 28 countries were surveyed including the Philippines.

    This year the Index has undergone a slight change. As part of the update, the main indicators have been revised to more accurately reflect the digital life of users and allow the evaluation of the level of risk for internet users worldwide.

    Currently, Kaspersky Cybersecurity Index includes three main indicators:

    • Unconcerned – the share of users who do not believe they can become targets for cybercrime
    • Unprotected – the number of users who have not installed a security solution on their computers, tablets and smartphones
    • Affected – the percentage of users who have fallen victim to cybercrime. In H2 2016, the list of incidents included in this indicator was expanded

    Kaspersky Cybersecurity Index users can now view the statistics on the specific financial losses that have occurred as a result of cybercriminal activity, as well as compare the data for different groups of users (for example, the use of smartphones between senior citizens in the US and  young people in Sweden).

    The global Index for the second half of the year (Unconcerned–Unprotected–Affected) was 74-39-29. That is, 74 percent of users did not believe that they could become cybercriminal targets, 39 percent of respondents did not use protection solutions on all their connected devices, and 29% of those surveyed have been affected by cyberthreats in the last few months.

    The previous Index accounted for 79-40-29, which means that six months ago more people believed in their invulnerability and preferred to remain unprotected.

    The percentage of cybercrime victims remained at the same level (29%) only because this indicator in the current Index update has been changed. To make the picture more complete, the list of cyberthreats now includes “financial fraud” and “device was used for cyberattacks,” without which the average indicator of those “affected” around the world would have been 27 percent rather than 29 percent.

    In fact, this means that the number of victims in H2 of 2016 decreased simultaneously with the growth of users’ responsibility for their own safety.

    In addition to the Index itself and financial losses, the site contains additional information that creates a picture of the modern Internet user.

    To find out about the Kaspersky Cybersecurity Index and the behavior of users online for different countries, ages and genders, please visit

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