Mapúa, the premier engineering school in the country, will be having its first ever University Week themed “Unity in Diversity” on July 25 to 29 in celebration of its University title granted by the Commission on Higher Education. This momentous occasion will mark the formal launching of the university title and logo and will have various activities from Mapúa’s student organizations. Activities include a University Fair, Senior High School Acquaintance Party, Student Organization activities, basketball competitions, exhibits, concerts, car shows, and the Mapúan Idol.
The official launching of the Mapúa University logo and the investiture of its first president will be on July 28, Friday. All the students and staff are invited to participate in the said event to witness the unfolding of the new Mapúa logo and to honor the university status. It is indeed a celebration for all the success of Mapúa and a stepping stone towards world-class state of the art research, development and innovation.