I love me a good flashlight. Being daytime creatures, our low-light vision leaves a lot to be desired, and as nighttime falls on a regular basis, having a light...
If you’ve ever done any sort of repairwork, even basic stuff, you’ll know that having the right tool for the job makes that job a whole lot easier. If...
The world of firearms is a deep and rich one. Centuries of development means there’s enough out there for several lifetimes worth of study. If you’re like me, and...
Opinel's DIY No. 9 is a testament to the company's 125-year history, mixing classic design with new technology. It sports the same silhouette as its wooden brethren as well...
Everyone should have a knife. It might be the most handy analog tool you can have, save for maybe a pen. For daily carry duties, the convenience of a...
Keeping my knives sharp is a matter of personal pride. Whipping out a knife that cuts through simple tasks like it doesn’t even know it’s doing work gives me...
Along with my flashlight, my knife is one of the most important parts of my EDC lineup. From opening packages, slicing and preparing food, and turning big things into...
As with everything in life, picking an EDC blade is all about compromise. The key here is to compromise on the correct aspects. I’ve made my share of mistakes...