
    What is a Dual WAN Network?

    TechnologyNetworks & StorageWhat is a Dual WAN Network?

    This is the age of connectivity, and businesses need reliable networks for efficient performance. A single network may not be enough to provide good coverage and connectivity. So, businesses use Dual WAN networks for better coverage. These networks cover large geographical areas and connect multiple LANs.

    In this article, we will discuss Dual WAN Networks in detail. Let’s have a look!

    What is a Dual WAN Network?

    A dual WAN network uses two separate internet connections for better performance. It covers a larger geographic area. A simple WAN network uses only one network, but in dual WAN, better connectivity is ensured by using two connections. It connects multiple local area networks and provides fast internet connection to businesses.

    To ensure you are getting the best performance from your dual WAN setup, it’s a good idea to regularly run an internet speed test. This helps you monitor each connection’s speed and reliability.

    How does it work?

    The router in the dual WAN network connects to two different internet service providers and thus has two ports. One network is used as the primary network, and the other is used as the backup network. Both connections handle traffic and manage the load accordingly.

    When any one connection goes down, the router can connect to the other provider. This ensures uninterrupted service and fast connectivity. Moreover, if one connection is busy, the router can send some traffic to other networks to make things run smoothly.

    Benefits of a Dual WAN Network

    Here are some benefits of dual WAN networks:

    1. Reliability

    One of the biggest benefits of dual WAN networks is reliability. When one network shuts down, the router can connect to the second connection. In this way, the traffic can be managed on both networks, ensuring a reliable internet connection. A dual WAN network is really helpful for businesses that rely on the Internet for their operations.

    2. Load Balancing

    Another important benefit of a dual WAN network is load balancing. Because a dual WAN network distributes traffic between two networks, it can effectively balance the traffic load, which is really helpful during high-traffic times.

    To ensure effective load balancing, regularly check your network’s performance using an independent testing website. This helps you improve load balancing for better results.

    3. Improved Bandwidth

    A dual WAN network uses two internet service providers, which provides better bandwidth than a single WAN network. With two internet connections, the bandwidth is almost double, resulting in fast internet connectivity and performance.

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