
    Anti-child abuse ad uses lenticular printing to send different messages to kids and adults

    ArchivesAnti-child abuse ad uses lenticular printing to send different messages to kids...

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    Look what we picked up on our radar today! We stumbled upon an interesting anti-child abuse outdoor ad from the Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk (ANAR) Foundation in Spain, which attempts to offer help to abused children by sending them a message that adults won’t see (unless they stoop down to tie their shoe or are smaller than 4’5″).

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    The ANAR Foundation used lenticular printing to create two different images that each appear when you look at the frame from two different viewing angles. When a child (or someone whose height measures 1.35 meters and below) looks at the ad, he or she will see bruises and cuts on the face of the kid, together with this message: “If somebody hurts you, phone us and we’ll help you.” ANAR’s hotline number can also be seen when the ad is viewed at a low angle.

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    When observed from the eye level of someone who is at least 1.75 meters in height, the viewer, who is expected to be an adult, won’t be able to see the scars and bruises and the offer for help, but will be able to see an awareness message. This way, the foundation is able to deliver two different messages to two different audiences by using just one ad.

    The foundation claims that the intention of this outdoor ad is to offer abused kids a line to call without alerting their agressors, even if they are walking by the ad together.

    See it in action in the video below!

    Source: Petapixel


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