Brand-new online platform Parlon is aiming at redefining the online beauty and wellness space.
Parlon lists local beauty and wellness establishments including rates and branches. Here, customers can find updated...
Three women from different walks of life share their close encounters with the Big C, and their transformation into fearless breast cancer warriors. They were among the close to...
The Philippine General Hospital (PGH) now utilizes Fujifilm’s AMULET Innovality (Full Field Digital Mammography Machine) and SYNAPSE RIS & PACS (Radiology Information Systems & Picture Archiving and Communication System)...
In the children’s novel The Secret Garden, young girl Mary discovers a paradise just beyond the garden walls: a place where everything flourishes and wonders present themselves. This is...
Three decades of successful business is no mean feat. There are not a lot of brands with this breadth of experience, and in a fickle industry such as aesthetics...
A day in the life of an office worker involves plenty of sitting time—remaining stationary at the workstation typing away on the computer, being seated for hours in a...
Quezon City may be one of the busiest places in the metro, constantly buzzing with motorists and commuters. Apart from being the most populous city in the National Capital...
Amidst the bustling airports, extremely noisy runways, and busy roads of Manila is solace for the weary. White Palace Spa offers a completely relaxing spa experience for anyone seeking...
A fresh new concept in hand and foot care started on December 2015 in Alabang Town Center. An innovation from a classic nail salon, Kitchenails added scents, flavors and...