The Ghost Recon series has been a popular franchise since the turn of the millennium, mixing military action, political intrigue, and alternative history, much like the novels of Tom...
In the late 90s, schools around the world took to the Pokemon craze. The game appealed to kids and reflected creator Satoshi Tajiri’s childhood in Japan, where he collected...
The game begins with music, bucolic and calm, and a lush green valley appears onscreen shortly afterwards. The title menu is set in a backdrop of blue sky and...
Basketball is everywhere in the Philippines—from the smallest barangay to the biggest city, ball is literally life in the island nation. This also means that stepping into the virtual...
Got time to kill? Maybe travel back in time to the 80s in the process? You might want to try Stranger Games.
Stranger Games is a set of retro-style mini-games...
One of the oldest fighting game series in existence, Street Fighter came into being in the early 1990s. One of my earliest memories of the game was how many...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Hong Kong Limited Singapore Branch has announced that it will release the first color variation for the
slimmer and lighter standard PlayStation 4 (CUH-2000 series). The new...
What makes a good action role-playing game (RPG)? Every developer tries to find something that will stick with the fans. The action RPG has always been popular since the...