
    Cover Story

    CES 2018: Computing

    The world of computing continues towards increased portability, security, and maximum efficiency. Constantly growing and emerging, technological innovations are necessary to satisfy our endless digital demands. Needless to say,...

    CES 2018: Home

    Meet the Robinsons and The Jetsons are wonderful examples of homes of the future, but where we’re at now is still a far cry from these modern setups. At...

    Toy Collecting: Every Toy Made in the World has a Story to Tell

    I remember owning a lot of dolls when I was a kid. But just like Andy in the famous animated film Toy Story, I had to give them away...

    Behind the Scenes: Making the Most Out of Your Filmmaking Hobby

    Perhaps the most beautiful thing about filmmaking is that you get to dive into infinity. Whether you choose to focus on the unreal, on things that are fleeting, or...

    Vlogging: Storytelling in the Digital Age

    The internet is one of man’s greatest creations. In case it hasn’t been said enough, this enormous, hyperconnected network has granted us advantages that would take the whole magazine--and...

    Looking Sharp: Your Guide to Collecting Knives

    Knives are some of the tools known to mankind. Ever since we figured out how to bang stones together, we’ve realized that blades make daily life so much easier....

    Millenial Starter Packs: How to Rock

    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: A guide on how to rock As one of my favorite movies puts it, it’s either you rock, or you suck. Don’t be the sucker...

    Millennial Starter Packs: Royal Highness

    Her Royal Highness’ Daily Arsenal Every girl dreams of becoming a princess, and I freely admit to once being one of them. There are plenty of teen movies, which tackle...

    Millennial Starter Packs: Sadlyf

    A Celebration of the Remarkably Unremarkable Your aesthetic is permanently in limbo--offbeat, eclectic--the embodiment of a society undergoing constant change. Your fashion can be described as slackercore, normcore, and comfycore...